Law School Tutor Testimonials
“The one-on-one aspect was more helpful than any office hours I attended.”
– Jerry O’Connell, Actor & Law Student, Southwestern Law School
“LST was a great help to me in my first year of law student and I’ve continued tutoring in my second year. My tutor is a consummate professional: organized, thoughtful and able to tailor tutoring to each student’s specific needs.”
– Jan Breslauer, Law Student & Creative Consultant for Director Garry Marshall, Chapman University School of Law
“My tutor was enthusiastic and gave a great explanation about the LST Law School Tutor program and getting a Massachusetts law tutor.”
– D.W., Law Student, Harvard Law School
“I couldn’t believe that attending a Tier I law school would still make me feel like I was not able to completely master my exam test-taking skills. LST Law School Tutor helps students do this by diving into each individual’s weaknesses.”
– J.N., Law Student, Yale Law School
“The LST Law School Tutor exams are difficult. I took one of them to my professor and even my professor was unable to appropriately answer it. Answering such difficult exams prepared me for my finals.”
– A.S., Law Student, Southwestern Law School
“I used the LST Law School Tutor program after I was academically dismissed from law school. With the help of the program, I was readmitted into law school and then received the highest grades in my classes, and obtained at least five CALI Awards.”
– A.S., Law Student, Whittier Law School
“The LST Law School Tutor program cuts right to what is important and shows you how to get high grades on law school exams. LST tutoring helped me excel in Contracts and obtain an Academic Fellow honors position reviewing Contracts topics with 1L students.”
– Ian Silverthorne, Law Student and Academic Fellow, Chapman University School of Law
“I needed help with Fed Civ Pro, Torts, and legal research and writing, especially since all of my grades were based on finals and they were all in essay form. The LST Law School Tutor program was really helpful because I was completely funding my tuition with student loans and really needed to get a scholarship by getting high grades. My goals were to be at the top of my class and get onto Law Review, which is exactly what the LST Law School Tutor program strives for in law school students.”
– Christina T., Law Student, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
“I really needed help with legal writing before law school so that I could figure out how to approach exams beforehand.”
– R.G., Law Student, Columbia University Law School
“I used the LST Law School Tutor program to help me in all of my classes. It was really comforting to know that I could use my tutoring package toward any of my classes during the semester. During my first session, my tutor spotted about 20 exam errors and picked up on some of my bad habits. It was great having another set of eyes to see how I answer exams. That way I was able to fix my habits before going into finals.”
– Lisa, Law Student, Fordham University School of Law
“I reached out to use the LST – Law School Tutor program because I was seeking a Constitutional Law tutor for my upcoming final.”
– A.G., Law Student, Pace University School of Law
“I used the LST Law School Tutor program and received the highest grades in my classes. I then transferred back to a law school in New York, where I wanted to practice law. I was really impressed by their services, which inspired me to be a New York law tutor.”
– J.M., Law Student, NYU School of Law
“I stumbled upon the LST Law School Tutor program when I was looking for a New York law tutor. I really needed help during my 1L year and I was really impressed by the follow-through by the tutor. The tutor was there for me, month after month, during that year which was so difficult for me.”
– L.D., Law Student, New York Law School
“I needed a tutoring program that was flexible with my schedule. The LST Law School Tutor program provides that to students.”
– Alex, Law Student, Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center
“My mom looked into the LST Law School Tutor program on my behalf because I needed help with my first year of law school. I received Cs, Ds, and an F in my classes, which was really abnormal for me. I realized I had problems answering essays and figured out how to adjust to my learning disabilities.”
– Maria Z., Law Student, Hofstra University School of Law
“The tutor was really knowledgeable on how to approach my 2L classes, including Evidence, Civil Procedure, and Criminal Law.”
– Charlene L., Law Student, Brooklyn Law School
“I couldn’t believe I stumbled upon the LST Law School Tutor program at the end of my three years in law school. I really needed this type of help early on, especially during my 1L year.”
– H.S., Law Student, University of Pennsylvania Law School
“I studied a lot, and also used books and seminars given by major bar exam prep companies, thinking that this would be the best way for me to succeed in law school. However, I still received a GPA that was below a 2.0. Thank goodness I came across the LST – Law School Tutor program.”
– T.N., Law Student, Villanova University School of Law
“Law school tutoring helped me during my 1L year. Unfortunately, my father found the LST program right before my finals during my second semester. I only had a few weeks to review exams through the LST Law School Tutor program, because we found the program late in the game. Had I found the LST – Law School Tutor program during my first semester of my 1L year, I would not have had those bad grades to carry with me into my second semester. I quickly found out how difficult it is to bring up a GPA from a semester of bad grades. Now I know why law students need to act quickly when signing up. I wonder what types of grades I would have had, had I been proactive in getting help through the LST Law School Tutor program earlier in law school.”
– P.B., Law Student, Duquesne University School of Law
“I was really interested in hiring a Pennsylvania law tutor because I wanted to transfer into another law school. I received a 2.9 GPA. The tutor assigned through the LST Law School Tutor program was really helpful in answering all of my questions about the program so I could raise my GPA.”
– Dan, Law Student, Drexel University Thomas R. KlineSchool of Law (formerly Earle Mack School of Law)
“I used the LST Law School Tutor program to make sure that I completely understood all of my subjects. Because of the help I received through the LST Law School Tutor program, I was able to transfer, obtain a judicial clerkship, and fill a coveted, prestigious position at a BigLaw firm. I’m so glad I was able to find a California law tutor.”
– P.H., Law Student, USC Gould School of Law
“I struggle with a learning disability. I used the LST Law School Tutor program because I was dismissed from law school and then readmitted, contingent on performing well in my classes. The pressure was on and my law tutor helped me successfully obtain a high enough grade so that I could stay in school and then transfer into another school.”
– S.R., Law Student, University of San Francisco
“I reached out to learn about the LST Law School Tutor program because I couldn’t believe that classmates were able to get an advantage over me – I had no idea that there could be a Connecticut law tutor for law school. After speaking with a tutor, I realized how competitive law school was and why I was not at the top of my class.”
– Sarah, Law Student, Quinnipiac University School of Law
“I heard about the LST Law School Tutor program from colleagues and I realized that I would not be able to succeed like they did unless I gained the advantage of having a law tutor.”
– John B., Law Student, University of Connecticut School of Law
“I reached out to learn about the LST Law School Tutor program after I was struggling with my grades and not successfully improving on my own. I couldn’t believe that the law tutor followed up with me on six occasions to see how I was doing in law school.”
– C.P., Law Student, Birmingham School of Law
“The LST Law School Tutor program gave me great input on how to resolve my academic problems and fix my low grades in law school.”
– John P., Law Student, University of Alabama School of Law, Alabama Law School
“I was looking for someone to help me in law school in Alabama. The LST Law School Tutor program provides an in-depth and hands-on experience for students who need to petition for readmission into law school. Then, once the students are readmitted, they begin tutoring by pushing students and requiring them to turn in their best work. Law students really should have been aware of this program before they got to the point of being expelled. Fortunately, the tutor assigned through the LST Law School Tutor program graciously comes in and fills the gap by lending a helping hand to these law students, with no judgment. They get a fresh start with the LST Law School Tutor program.”
– Thomas S., Law Student, Cumberland School of Law, Samford University, Samford Law School
“I wanted more information about the LST Law School Tutor program after I was struggling with my grades and thought that perhaps an Alabama tutor would be able to help me in law school. The tutor’s follow-through was the most impressive experience I had with a law tutoring program – fully invested in students’ success to the point where they will reach out to you and ask how you are doing in law school. You do not fall off the grid with them, and you’re not just a number.”
– James L., Law Student, Thomas Goode Jones School of Law, Faulkner University
“I was struggling with my classes during my 1L year so I reached out to a tutor through the LST Law School Tutor program for advice on how to raise my grades so that I could meet my goal, which was to obtain a GPA over 3.5.”
– R. Lee, Law Student, UCLA School of Law
“I called for information about the LST – Law School Tutor program, after I was dismissed from school because of low grades. I needed to petition for readmission into law school and the LST program was really helpful in guiding me in that process.”
– D.R., Law Student, Western Michigan University, Cooley Law School
“The tutor assigned through the LST – Law School Tutor program discussed my inquiry about wanting a Michigan law tutor and helped me figure out how I can raise my GPA during my 2L year.”
– C.L., Law Student, Michigan State University College of Law
“I called for information about the LST – Law School Tutor program because I needed help with my first year classes, particularly Criminal Law.”
– J.G., Law Student, University of Michigan, Michigan Law
“I called for information about the LST – Law School Tutor program, because I was at risk of losing my scholarship after receiving low grades from my first semester of my 1L year. I had a study group my first semester. However, I realized that one-on-one tutoring would be more helpful for me during my second semester.”
– J.P., Law Student, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
“It would have been a huge benefit for me to find the one-on-one tutoring program through LST – Law School Tutor at an earlier stage of my legal career. I graduated from law school and was exposed to several bar exam programs. I took the California bar exam with the guidance of other programs. However, I failed the bar exam. Then I took the bar a second time, using Themis, only about eight weeks after I received my results from the first bar exam. I should have managed my time and taken the second attempt more seriously, knowing that it is nearly impossible to cram so many subject into 8 weeks. Themis made the program seem user-friendly because it was online. However, I did not realize just how much more I would have learned had I had physical study materials with me where I could go back and mark up questions I missed and make notations on new rules that came out of the multi-state bar examination questions. This would have been useful for me to add to my outlines for the bar. I finally decided to use a private bar tutor through the LST – Law School Tutor program. This helped me understand that I should not just be relying on some small package of 40-some MBEs. I should be going through four packets of full-day MBEs, which contain 800 multiple choice questions. I also did not realize that I should be initially practicing my essay questions by using my study materials. Nor did I catch the fact that I was failing to argue both sides in my IRACs. The LST – Law School Tutor program taught me how to organize all of my issues and lay out my headers so that bar exam graders will find it easier to grade my exam.”
– C.B, Law Student, Northwestern California University School of Law
“The LST – Law School Tutor program helped me with my need for a tutor during my 2L year, particularly for my Evidence class.”
– J.B., Law Student, Pepperdine School of Law
“I struggled in Con Law and Writing, and was so thankful I came across the LST – Law School Tutor program when I needed a law tutor most.”
– S.O., Law Student, University of California, Berkeley School of Law, Berkeley Law, UC Berkeley Law School
“I contacted a tutor through the LST – Law School Tutor program during my 1L year, seeking an Illinois law tutor. The law tutor was extremely helpful and I was impressed that they spoke with me on five separate occasions when I was trying to decide on a tutoring package.”
– Nathan H., Law Student, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology
“I wanted to learn about the LST – Law School Tutor program after I was expelled from law school. The tutor was helpful in answering my questions on how to be readmitted. They also provided strategic advice on how to make my goals happen after trying to do it on my own and receiving a 1.5 GPA.”
– Nicole M., Law Student, John Marshall Law School
“I was a 1L struggling with Civ Pro, Torts, Contracts, and Criminal Law. I felt lost and didn’t have any midterms by which I could judge how I was doing during the semester. Then I purchased Examples & Explanations books which only added to my reading and kept me from practicing and getting to my actual weaknesses. The LST – Law School Tutor program gets to the bottom and helps eliminate all of the excessive reading that students tend to do during their first year.”
– M.N., Law Student, The University of Georgia School of Law
“I was seeking a Chicago law tutor. The tutor assigned through the LST – Law School Tutor program was really great at providing quick responses and assuring me that I would have a tutor who is completely qualified.”
– Eric W., Law Student, Northwestern University School of Law
“I have a learning disability and received a GPA below 2.0, which put me at risk for being dismissed from law school, so I reached out looking for a Nebraska law tutor.”
– Zack H., Law Student, Creighton University School of Law
“During law school, I received such on-point advice when I called to learn about the LST – Law School Tutor program that I was inspired to apply to become a Washington DC law tutor after graduating.”
– John A., Law Student, Georgetown University Law Center
“I transferred into Loyola from another law school and sought help through the LST – Law School Tutor program so that I could master my law school exams at Loyola University Chicago School of Law. The LST – Law School Tutor program helped me in my first semester after transferring and I am currently using LST for my second semester at Loyola.”
– S.S., Law Student, Loyola University Chicago School of Law
“I decided to use the LST – Law School Tutor program after one of my classmates told me LST helped her obtain a 4.0 . With LST’s help, I received a 4.0 in Torts, a 3.8 in Property, and I retained my scholarship.”
– Trevor Osborn, Law Student, Chapman University School of Law
“I wanted a Tennessee law tutor because I needed help on a weekly basis during my 1L year.”
– H.C., Law Student, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, University of Memphis
“I looked for a Virginia law tutor. I realized that I needed more help than I received in law school in order to be fully prepared for the bar exam. The LST – Law School Tutor program provides great hands-on help to prepare law students in law school.”
– A.S., Law Student, Liberty University, Christian School of Law
“I really loved how the tutor assigned through the LST – Law School Tutor program was able to answer all of my questions and was really diligent in following up with my inquiry, even though I was really hard to get in touch with during my hectic class schedule.”
– Stephanie, Law Student, University of Virginia School of Law
“I wanted a tutor for law school even before I started my first year because I had been so wisely advised that law school was difficult and would be unlike undergrad.”
– Sarah, Law Student, University of Richmond School of Law
“The LST – Law School Tutor program was a great help to me when I was searching for an Arizona law tutor.”
– Anne S., Law Student, Arizona Summit Law School (formerly Phoenix School of Law), Arizona Law, Phoenix Law
“The law tutor through LST was really knowledgeable.”
– J.L., Law Student, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, UofA Law, U of A Law School
“I was able to analyze on exams but then I realized that I did not write enough. I contacted a tutor through the LST – Law School Tutor program after I signed up with another tutoring program with an Iowa law tutor, because I was not completely happy with the services they were performing.”
– D.K., Law Student, Drake University Law School
“I contacted a tutor through LST because I really needed a Kansas law tutor to help on my exams.”
– Mark M., Law Student, University of Kansas School of Law
“I was trying to tutor students in writing and was also earning a second degree, where I was required to do research. I tutored through the LST program and received great direction with my legal research and writing paper. I’m hoping to obtain a clerkship once I finish.”
– Jennifer F., JD and Masters, Washburn University School of Law
“I contacted a tutor through the LST program because I struggled so much during school that I realized I’d eventually need help to fully prepare me for the bar exam.”
– L.D., Law Student, University of Montana School of Law
“I needed help with Contracts and Property so I thought that I should hire a Missouri law tutor. The LST tutor was able to answer my questions about how I should improve my grades.”
– I.C., Law Student, University of Missouri-Kansas City, UMKC Law
“I did not know law school would be so challenging for me until I was expelled from David A. Clarke School of Law. I then contacted an LST tutor for help because I needed to take classes at another law school before raising my GPA enough to then transfer into a third law school.”
– Dave, Law Student, University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law
“I was really concerned that I would not be able to produce excellent writing samples. The LST tutor taught me how to be short and concise for my writing class.”
– O.L., Law Student, George Mason University School of Law
“I really needed help with my first year classes and I was glad to hear there could be Florida law tutors who help with Contracts, Torts, and Criminal Law.”
– Michelle D., Law Student, Shepard Broad Law Center, Nova Southeastern University
“I did not realize how much information I was lacking in my practice exam answers until my LST tutor reviewed the exams they graded for me. I’m so glad I did not enter into my final exam testing location without catching these errors ahead of time.”
– A.V., Law Student, Howard University School of Law
“I really struggled during my 1L year. A LST law tutor helped me figure out what I needed to do in order to improve.”
– Larry B., Law Student, The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law
“I looked for a Kentucky law tutor. When I contacted a tutor through the LST Law School Tutor program, it became evident to me that they were knowledgeable in the subjects that they tutor. The LST tutor really helped me through my legal studies and my tutor even presented additional exam hypothetical scenarios to me during my meetings, which were very helpful. Through the program, the LST law tutor was there for me when my own professors were not available and I could ask the tutor questions that I did not feel comfortable asking during my professors’ classes.”
– Chadwick Seiter, Law Student, Northern Kentucky University, Chase College of Law
“I wanted to raise my grades because I wanted to get onto moot court.”
– K.K., Law Student, University of Nebraska College of Law
“I contacted a tutor through the LST Law School Tutor program during my 2L year because I needed help with my Business Associations and Con Law classes. The LST law tutor helped me address what I needed to change in order to succeed and not repeat the mistakes I made during my 1L year.”
– Andrew C., Law Student, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
“A LST tutor helped guide me in the process of trying to transfer into Washington College of Law, American University.”
– D.S., Law Student, Washington College of Law, American University
“I needed a tutor because I was struggling so much that I was dropping classes in order to handle the workload.”
– T.M., Law Student, Nashville School of Law
“I called to learn about the LST – Law School Tutor program and a law tutor guided me in the process of how to handle law school after taking medical leave.”
– Josh G., Law Student, The George Washington University, GW Law
“It took me awhile to realize my short-comings during my 1L year. I was looking for a Maine law tutor. I contacted a tutor with the LST program after I realized I needed help with Con Law, Contracts, and Torts.”
– Candice I., Law Student, University of Maine School of Law
“I wanted to work myself up and obtain my law degree so that I could practice law at my husband’s law firm. I hired a LST law tutor so that I could use their difficult practice exams in order to prepare for the baby bar exam.”
– S.B., paralegal
“When I contacted a tutor through the LST law program, I was looking for an Oklahoma law tutor. I realized that a LST tutor was going to be able to assist me in areas where my own professors were not able to help me. Thankfully, my tutor was really understanding of my hectic schedule as a father.”
– M.A., Law Student, University of Oklahoma, College of Law
“I needed a law tutor because I felt like I was not fully prepared by just attending my classes and doing things that other individuals told me to do like outlining, briefing, and reading.”
– Chris S., Law Student, Boston College Law School
“LST – Law School Tutor helped me after I was academically dismissed from the law school I was attending.”
– Sarah P., Law Student, Florida Coastal School of Law
“I transferred from another school and was concerned about performing well during my 2L year. LST – Law School Tutor helped guide me on how to handle my new classes.”
– Katie S., Law Student, University of Minnesota Law School, Walter F. Mondale Hall
“I needed the LST program because I received really bad grades during my 1L year. When I tried to tackle law school on my own, I received Cs and Ds, which gave me a 1.6 GPA. I realized I needed LST because I needed to have a GPA over 2.0 within the next semester, in order to stay in school.”
– A. Clark, Law Student, Capital University Law School
“The LST program helped me prepare for my 1L classes. Because first year law school final exams are so difficult, I was thrilled to find LST as my go-to resource.”
– D.J., Law Student, Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law
“I needed a lot of help during law school because I struggled with a learning disability and received a 2.2 GPA when I tried doing everything on my own, without any help.”
– P.H., Law Student, University of Tulsa College of Law
“I’m so happy I stumbled upon the LST tutoring program when I was looking for a New Jersey law tutor. The tutoring services helped me through my most difficult classes. It was such a blessing to be able to reach out to someone on a regular basis and review material that I did not understand.”
– M.D., Law Student, Seton Hall University School of Law
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“I contacted a LST law tutor because I needed help with my exam test-taking skills.”
– Christina, Law Student, DePaul University College of Law
“I sought a tutor because I had a 2.4 GPA.”
– Luis T., Law Student, Barry University, Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law
“I sought an Oregon law tutor because the grades I earned in the first year of law school were lower than I was capable.”
– Ben H., Law Student, Willamette University College of Law
“With the help of a LST law tutor, I was able to obtain high grades so that I could transfer back to a law school in my home state and be near my family.”
– P.E., Law Student, SMU, Dedman School of Law, Southern Methodist University
“My mom contacted a LST law tutor for me because I originally thought I did well on my exams but, instead, I received really low grades.”
– Bobby S., Law Student, Oklahoma City University School of Law
“LST helped me raise my grades so that I could transfer back to a law school that was located in a state where I wanted to graduate and practice law.”
– J.D., Law Student, Rutgers School of Law in Camden, Rutgers University
“I contacted a tutor through LST during my first year of law school. They were incredibly informative and kept in touch with me during the three years I attended law school.”
– Emily D, Law Student, Wayne State University Law School
“I needed a LST law tutor because my GPA was really low.”
– M. N., Law Student, John Marshall Law School
“Before reaching out to learn about the LST – Law School Tutor program, I fell below a 2.0 GPA several times and finally realized that I needed help. LST was a good resource for me when I was looking for an Ohio law tutor.”
– Jessica B., Law Student, Cleveland State University, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
“I wanted an Indiana law tutor. A LST law tutor helped guide me through my 1L year.”
– Jennifer C., Law Student, Valparaiso Law School
“I struggled so much during law school, so when I stumbled upon the LST law program, I just had to contact them. The tutor was so informative.”
– Brett S., Law Student, University of Miami School of Law
“LST helped me address the low grades I received during my first semester of law school and realize that I shouldn’t try to prepare without the type of help they offer.”
– G.G., Law Student, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Hastings Law School
“I really needed help because I was placed on academic probation. A LST tutor was able to answer my questions regarding my struggles with law school exams and with my legal research and writing skills.”
– K.K., Law Student, Thomas Jefferson School of Law
“I really needed a private law tutor so that I could improve in my Con Law and Contracts classes.”
– S.J., Law Student, University of San Diego School of Law
“A LST law tutor helped me narrow my focus and clarify rule statements. They were patient, understanding, and very flexible with my schedule.”
– L.H.C., Law Student, Golden Gate University School of Law
“I heard law school is very difficult for a lot of students so I looked for help before my first year. A LST law tutor answered my questions before I even started law school. Having an online law tutor gives law students an edge in law school.”
– E. Rodriguez, Law Student, Stetson University College of Law
“I called to learn about the LST – Law School Tutor program when I was attending a law school in California. However, because I did not use the LST program, I did poorly and was expelled from school. I then contacted the LST tutor again when I was finally readmitted into another school years later. Had I known how helpful they would have been to me during my first attempt at law school, I would have taken them up on the opportunity to do one-on-one law tutoring in a heartbeat.”
– N.S., Law Student, University of La Verne College of Law, La Verne Law School
“I was really struggling with my law school exams until I hired a LST law tutor as my private law tutor.”
– K.C., Law Student, Southwestern Law School
“A LST law tutor provided personal assistance that I never would have been able to get from a professor… I learned everything from memorization techniques to how to structure a paragraph.”
– R.B., Law Student, Loyola Law School
“I contacted a LST law tutor because my school implemented a new grading policy, which required a minimum GPA of 2.7. My cumulative GPA was a 2.6 and I was academically dismissed. LST was really helpful in guiding me with the dismissal process.”
– D.P., Law Student, University of Massachusetts School of Law
“I struggled in my classes, especially Contracts, and the LST Law School Tutor program was helpful in guiding me on how to handle my first year of law school.”
– Brian G., Law Student, Suffolk University Boston Law School
“The LST – Law School Tutor tutor was really diligent in following up with me throughout my first semester of law school.”
– R. Young, Law Student, Massachusetts School of Law
“I was facing academic dismissal due to an unsuccessful spring semester. After speaking to my professors, I realized that my problem area was exam-taking so I reached out to a LST tutor for help.”
– A.G., Law Student, Florida A&M University, College of Law
“A LST law tutor helped me address my issues with all of my first year classes. Having a Colorado law tutor during that year really saved me when I attempted my professors’ exams at the end of the semester.”
– J.S., Law Student, University of Colorado Law School, UCB Law
“A LST law tutor helped me master my classes at Golden Gate so that I could transfer to Santa Clara Law.”
– L.C., Law Student, Santa Clara Law
“My second year of law school was so much easier for me because of a LST law tutor, although it was unfortunate that I had to go online to find the best way to excel in law school. Thank goodness I found the best law tutor so that I could ace law school.”
– M.A., Law Student, Sturm College of Law, University of Denver, Denver University Law, DU Law
“I wanted a Maryland law tutor. LST – Law School Tutor was really helpful in guiding me.”
– J.N., Law Student, Francis King Carey School of Law, University of Maryland
“The Law School Tutor program helped guide me when I was struggling with my 1L classes, which were Torts, Contracts, Civil Procedure, and Criminal Law.”
– Kerry S., Law Student, University of Baltimore School of Law
“The LST program for law students was great at helping me with my 1L classes. Private law school tutoring places students at the top of their class.”
– B.M., Law Student, University of New Mexico School of Law
“I needed a Texas law tutor. With the flexible schedule I got through the LST – Law School Tutor program, I was able to do practice exams and spend time with my family.”
– J.F., Law Student, SMU, Dedman School of Law, Southern Methodist University
“I needed a tutor as a 1L student for Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, and Contracts, but I didn’t realize I should have hired one until my first semester grades came back, during my second semester. Had I realized earlier how helpful one-on-one sessions would be, I would have signed up during my first semester of my first year.”
– K.P., Law Student, University of Texas School of Law
“LST inspired me so much that I almost considered becoming a tutor instead of practicing law.”
– Jennifer, Law Student, University of Houston Law Center
“I needed LST’s help over the summer for Contracts II and Torts II, and then again in the fall for Property II, Evidence and Constitutional Law.”
– Tracy, Law Student, South Texas College of Law
“Having a LST tutor like this who really makes every effort to answer your questions before signing up is a true treasure for law students, especially for a student like myself who was grappling with the idea of hiring a Nevada law tutor.”
– C.S., Law Student, University of Nevada, William S. Boyd School of Law
“I needed LST for Torts and Contracts, so that I could get help reviewing material before final exams.”
– Cindy, Law Student, Texas Tech University School of Law
“I needed LST because I had to pull up my GPA to maintain my scholarship. Scholarship money was really important to me because I am a single mom with two young boys. Being enrolled in five classes and juggling a family really took a toll on me.”
– S.M., Law Student, Baylor Law School, Baylor University
“I needed help with Contracts during my 1L year.”
– Olivia J., Law Student, Washington University School of Law
“LST helped me master my law school exams. I was glad that I signed up with a law tutor because my grades greatly improved.”
– C.M., Law Student, Seattle University School of Law
“LST helped me realize it was in my best interest to get help early on in law school and that my search for a Washington law tutor was well-founded.”
– K.B., Law Student, University of Washington School of Law, William H. Gates Hall
“I needed a Utah law tutor and a LST tutor was phenomenal at following up with me, especially since it was so difficult to get in touch with me between and after my classes.”
– Ryan B., Law Student, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University
“I was ecstatic when I found out that there was such thing as a law tutor.”
– Christian, Law Student, S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah
“I contacted a LST tutor to help me with Civ Pro, Torts, Professional Responsibility, and all of my other classes. Looking for a North Carolina law tutor was a tedious task until I found LST.”
– K.M., Law Student, Charlotte School of Law
“I contacted a LST law tutor because I was having a tough time with some of my classes, particularly my legal writing class.”
– A.H., Law Student, North Carolina Central University School of Law
“After using other programs and failing the bar exam several times, I hired The Bar Tutor to help me with my personal struggles with the exam.”
– M.S., Trinity Law School, Trinity Law School at Trinity International University
“I contacted a LST law tutor and asked about a South Carolina law tutor so that I could get help with my writing skills.”
– D.V., Law Student, Charleston School of Law
“I wanted a tutor because I received mainly Cs and Ds during my first semester of law school. I thought this would place me on academic probation so I reached out to a LST law tutor and they were really knowledgeable.”
– M. James, Law Student, University of South Carolina School of Law
“I needed help on Evidence, Family Law, Local Government Law, and Animal Law.”
– John E., Law Student, Florida State University College of Law
“I struggled with exams and realized just how helpful tutoring was when I graduated and needed to take the bar exam.”
– Tom M., Law Student, Western New England School of Law
“I found a Georgia law tutor to help me with Contracts during my 1L year.”
– S.P., Law Student, Emory University School of Law
“As a 2L, I was facing possible dismissal, which prompted me to look for a Louisiana law tutor. That’s why LST was a great help to me.”
– C. Roberts, Law Student, Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University
“I hired a LST tutor because I was really struggling with my legal writing skills.”
– L.S., Law Student, Chapman University School of Law
“I hired a tutor to use the LST Law School Tutor program over several semesters of law school. During that time, LST helped me obtain high grades, avoid academic probation, and satisfy the foundation points requirement at my law school.”
– Chelsea Gale, Law Student, Western State University College of Law
“I used the LST Law School Tutor program toward the end of my second semester of my 1L year. What a classic procrastinator’s move! I came across the founder through a friend just by chance. What is scary about not hiring a private law tutor in time is not realizing how much farther a law student could have been had they come across the LST tutoring program. Because I came to LST so late in the game, I was only able to review a few Property exams. I ran out of time, which is the most precious thing to a law student.”
– E.G., Law Student, Western State University College of Law
“I’m glad I found out that there are Delaware law tutors for law school.”
– T.S., Law Student, Widener University School of Law
LST Law School Tutor Success Stories
A student who attended a Tier IV school transferred to USC Law due to tutoring with LST – Law School Tutor.
A student who received a 1.8 in Torts I prior to tutoring received a 3.4 in Torts II after tutoring with LST – Law School Tutor.
A student who was dismissed from a law school before tutoring and who was readmitted into the same school after presenting a plan to tutor with LST – Law School Tutor, received a 4.0 , 3.9 , and 3.6 due to tutoring.
*The number of testimonials and success stories featured on this page has been limited for the purpose of brevity. It does not provide a cross section of our students because it does not account for the significant amount of students tutored through our program, nor their geographic region. For more information about the law schools that we service, please visit our Where We Tutor section.