Law School Tutor Feedback on Law Exams

In law school, students will often lack the resources needed to perform well. Professors, Dean’s Fellows, Academic Fellows and other various teachers’ aides teach and review course material. However, they rarely dedicate personal one-on-one attention to individual students by critiquing answers to practice exams. This is the most integral part of performing well in law school. Listed below is an example of how LST – Law School Tutor provides feedback to its students:

Practice Exams for Law School

View LST – Law School Tutor’s practice exams for law school. Each exam is typically 4 pages long and is written for each individual student and according to their class syllabus.
Do you need a law school tutor? We are happy to provide academic support. If you are wondering if there are tutors near me or you are looking for a tutor finder for tutoring services, please contact LST – Law School Tutor. LST can direct you in regards to private tutoring, online tutoring, tutoring in your home, and academic success seminars. LST – Law School Tutor’s tutoring centers around the law student and doing what is best for the law student’s success, so please reach out to LST if you are in need of academic advising or test prep.
For more information about our law tutors, please contact LST at [email protected]